In Memoriam: Maureen H. Foulke 1929 – 2023


With great sadness, we note the passing of Maureen H. Foulke, who served as a Voting Member of the AIER Corporation for over 38 years.  

Maureen referred to herself as an “American Girl.” She grew up during the Great Depression, during which she developed the spirit of perseverance and optimism that would define her life. Her mother was a teacher, and her father was in the insurance business. Maureen graduated from Skidmore College with a BA in English in 1951. She was an athlete and a fierce competitor, excelling as a skier, tennis player, sailor and was a Life Master in Bridge. She and her husband sailed the globe and visited six continents. 

Maureen was a longtime supporter of educational opportunities for young women. She volunteered in several governance roles at the Larchmont N.Y. Chapter AJ of the PEO Foundation, helping girls in high school find scholarships to assist with college tuition. 

Maureen’s unwavering support of AIER extended a family tradition that began with her father-in-law, the late Roy Anderson Foulke, Sr. who was instrumental to AIER’s founding and served as a Trustee, Chairman of the Board, and Honorary Chairman. Her husband, Roy Anderson Foulke, Jr., served as a Voting Member and as Chairman of AIER’s Board of Trustees, and was a founding director of AIER’s wholly owned subsidiary, American Investment Services, Inc. 

Maureen stood firm when AIER’s interests were challenged, and was actively involved in ensuring its continued prosperity. She was a dear friend to the community of AIER supporters. We will greatly miss her enthusiasm, energy, and charm, always present at annual meetings of the Voting Members.  

She is survived by her son John of Mamaroneck, New York, her granddaughter Kirsten K. Capalbo and great grandson Jack Foulke Capalbo of Stamford, Connecticut. She was predeceased by her daughter, Sarah B. Foulke, and by her son, Roy A. Foulke, III. 

We extend our deepest condolences to Maureen’s family, who have asked that she be remembered through contributions to Chapter AJ of the P.E.O. Foundation, Larchmont, NY. 

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